Don't drink and drive
Go Pink for life
Promotions & Events
Our Activities and Plans...
Fortunately the corona situation has been easing since summer and we are very pleased that we were able to slowly expand our activities.
Together with the city of Wuppertal, we would like to support the prevention of alcohol driving at city festivals in the future. The first talks with Dr. Stefan Kühn have already taken place and we are very confident that we will develop good ideas together.
Furthermore, talks with blu:prevent – part of the Blue Cross Germany – took place. Our idea is to work together in prevention – according to the motto – together we can achieve more.
We also continously contacting club and pub owners to take up the idea of offering drivers in the party scene a free soft drink on presentation of our bracelet. For this, the driver should agree to drive friends and possibly others home.
One of our main projects is still education in schools.
After summer break 2021 we gave 3 lectures in the region of Wuppertal in cooperation with the police NRW-Germany.
That’s just a small overview. We are always looking forward to more ideas from you.
09.10.2021 – AFL Tournament Cologne
The “Rheinland Lions” invited us on the occasion of an AFL tournament in Cologne. It was a very nice afternoon and we would like to thank all the teams for the great conversations we had and their support
Janine is always present and would be very proud of YOU
Rhineland Lions – Berlin Crocs – Hamburg Dockers – Munich Kagaroos
06.10.2021 – Lecture at the school – Gesamtschule Wuppertal Langerfeld
Crash Course NRW – Police Wuppertal & Go Pink for Life
01./02.10.2021 – Bergisches Octoberfestival – Wuppertal/Remscheid/Solingen
During the Oktoberfest, the flamingo team had a booth at the entrance of the festival. All participants had a nice party and we hope that we could contribute to coming home safely. A special THANK YOU to Paola Frisella, one of the main organizers, for his support.
27.09.2021 – Lecture at the school -Else-Laasker Gesamtschule Wuppertal
Crash Course NRW – Police Wuppertal & Go Pink for Life
31.08.2021 – Lecture at the schoolCarl-Fuhlrott Gymnasium Wuppertal
Crash Course NRW – Police Wuppertal & Go Pink for Life
21.08.2021 – Summer Vibes – Public Pool Schwelm – Ferik & Go Pink for Life
Together with the guys from the Ferik Festival, the flamingo team distributed our message at the Summer Vibes in Schwelm. The mood and the willingness to talk was overwhelming again. Under the motto “Mindful celebrations” again we had special encounters and conversations and we would like to take this opportunity to thank the guys from the “Ferik Festival” for their invitation.
21.08.2021 – Fallig Festival – Enkirch
Very spontaneously it came to a guest appearance of Martina Nierhoff during the Fallig Festival in Enkirch, who spent the weekend there purely by chance. As a result of the spontaneous appearance, many guests sought the conversation. The band also gave a special encore, which was particularly moving and certainly made the audience think.
10.07.2021 – Ferik Festival & Go Pink for Life
The Ferik Festival is organized by friends of a victim by drunk driving and we were very happy about this special invitation.We hat great encounters and conversations and the young people were very open to this sensitive topic.
15.06.2021 – WZ Interview Wuppertal
Article published on 19.06.2021
14.06.2021 – Support from “Blauen Kreuz Diakoniewerk Wuppertal”
We would like to thank the Blue Cross Diakoniewerk Wuppertal for the planned cooperation. In the future, we would like to support the Blue Cross to draw attention to the dangers of drunk driving. We will design our packing days for ambassador kits and other campaigns together in the future, which we are also very pleased about.
11.06.2021 -2. Lecture – Rotary Club Palmengarten Frankfurt – Onlinewintasting
Due to the positive feedback from the participants, we were invited to another online wine tasting. At both events, a part of the donations was awarded to “Go Pink for Life” and thus we can plan further actions and advertising material this year. We would especially like to thank the Rotary Club of Palmengarten and all the winemakers who invited us to give further lectures during their wine tastings.
06.06.2021 – SWR Potcast „Das wahre Leben“/The true life
The SWR Nachtcafé also became aware of us and a Potcast recording with Michael Steinbrecher took place on the subject of “The real life”. It is mainly about the fate of Janine, our actual patron of the campaign, but also about the resulting campaign “Go Pink for Life”. This Potcast episode was released on June 6th on the SWR Nachtcafé homepage, the ARD-Audiothek, on Spotify and on Apple Potcasts.
May- June 2021– Wildflower Seeds for the Victims
We distributed flower seeds with a nice card and were happy about the thought that in summer the meadows bloomed, not only the bees and insects were happy about it, also the affected families were happy about the thought that the victims will not be forgotten and our seeds had been be distributed.
19.03.2021 -1. Lecture – Rotary Club Frankfurt – Onlinewintasting
In March, we were invited by the Rotary Club of Frankfurt to give a short lecture as part of an online wine tasting. Special thanks to Subvenio eV for establishing this contact. There were over 200 registrations and in the subsequent ‘breakout room’ we were able to discuss further questions about the campaign openly. It was a very nice evening with good discussion contributions and nice new contacts.
02.01.2021 – Memorial Service – Luttach, Southtirol
On 02.01.2021 a very moving memorial service took place in the accident site Luttach. This was supported by the congregation and Pastor Stoll. The victims were commemorated with a personal speech and a subsequent torch relay to the scene of the accident gave all victims a voice against forgetting.
You can see the post under
“Memorial service for the accident victims of Luttach”
Gedenkgottesdienst für die Unfallopfer von Luttach – YouTube
There was also a corresponding article, which you can read here: https://www.rainews.it/tgr/tagesschau/articoli/2021/01/tag-Ein-Jahr-Unfalltragoedie-Luttach-9ff57351-aaf6-40f4-aff3-e223b4300fd6.html
Christmas Baubles “Go Pink for Life”
Our Christmas baubles all made their way into the living rooms and were quickly sold out. Together we were able to conjure up a touch of pink in our living rooms and especially commemorate the victims of Luttach.
“World Day of Remembrance for road traffic victims
15th November 2020
First “Go Pink for Life” Bus in Wuppertal, Germany
Unfortunately, neither we nor journalists were able to attend the grand opening on this day due to the Covid safety measures. We would like to thank the company Stöer and Oxé, who sponsored this project, and WSW Wuppertal, who also supported this cause.
Article “BILD am Sonntag” in German – 09.11.2020
Campaign against drunk drivingr
Lectures on the topic “Alcohol, Drugs, Personal-Responsibility”
at the “Freien Schule Kierspe”
10.11.2020 – Klassen 8/9 13.11.2020 – Klassen 10/11
Social Media Projects
Spreading our hashtag on IG/FB etc #gopinkforlife
October 2020
NRW Crash Course of the Police department in Wuppertal, Germany
Lecture on the 07th of October 2020 at 08:30h
At the School Wuppertal-Langerfeld
Heinrich-Böll-Strasse 240/250; 42277 Wuppertal, Germany
Ambassadors meeting & TC
A TC took place on the 14th of October and the ambassadors received an update
Flamingo team meeting & packing day
The flamingo team met on the 16th of October. It was a very informative meeting. Subteams were formed and processes generated so we can hit the ground running next year.
Sept 2020 - Actions
Police department NRW Wuppertal – Crash Course
On Monday, the 21st of September 2020 we participated for the first time in a crash course of the police department Wuppertal as a speaker. We visited the upper school students of the Else Lasker School in Wuppertal.
In this lecture, police officers, firefighters and other people involved in traffic accidents… describe the consequences that traffic accidents without holding back any detail. A pastor is always present as well. It was the first time that we could speak in front of a class about Luttach and its consequences.
The students’ reactions were deeply concerned and project groups were formed on the topic of “What can we do to prevent a tragedy like the one in Luttach?” with the appeal for more civil courage and that everyone has a choice to influence their own fate and that from others.
We had the impression that we reached the young people and made them think about this serious topic.
Special thanks to the police for inviting us to this program.
Aug 2020 - Media attention (German)
7th of September 2020 – Dolomiten Zeitung
“Preventing tragedies like the one in Luttach”.
7th of September 2020 – ORF – TV report
“Act instead of looking away”
8th of September 2020 – South Tyrolean News Newspaper
12-13 of September 2020 The New South Tyrolean Daily Newspaper “Giving up is not an option”.
No. 179 – Page 10
29.09.2020 Treffen mit Mark Benecke, Kriminalbiologe aus Köln
“Kein Alkohol am Steuer”
A great talk – Many thanks to Mark Benecke for his support!
Sept 2020 - Team Meeting
After the initial attention in the media, more ambassadors have contacted us. We are very happy about this.
The Flamingo team was quite busy – there were several spontaneous packing days and meetings to plan further actions.
At this point again many thanks to the whole Flaminoteam for your help – without you there would be no Flamingomail… no IG/FB contributions and and and….
THANK YOU Martina, Janines Mom
Sept 2020 - Visit to Luttach/accident site
From 31st of August to the 16th of September. I/Martina and my husband Axel Nierhoff visited the accident site in Luttach for the first time. It is still unimaginable that our daughter Janine Benecke, as well as so many other young people, had an accident there… and all because of drunk driving.
That was a very difficult step and showed me that the topic “What have we learned from a tragedy like the one in Luttach” still needs to be processed properly – also on site in Tyrol.
Aug 2020 - Media attention (German)
RTL West
On the 12th of August RTL West visited us and there was a shooting in the Brewery in Wuppertal. Mr. Hubinger, the owner of the Brewery, supports our campaign, so we have the first one on board. Broadcasted on the 22nd of September 2020
Radio Wuppertal
On the 14th of August Radio Wuppertal interviewed us to organize a theme day from this contribution. Broadcasted on the 4th of August
Wuppertaler Rundschau
On the 22nd of August we were present in front of Christoph’s Backstube (bakery) to thank for the enormous local support and to get into the conversation. There was an article in the “Wuppertaler Rundschau” about it
Aug 2020 - Ambassador Meeting & TC
On the 15th of August 2020 our 1st ambassador meeting took place in Wuppertal Beyenburg. Of course, we followed the Corona hygiene rules and kept a proper distance. We were able to personally welcome and present the ambassadors, equipped them with their starter kit and also collected ideas.
On the 26th of August 2020 we also had our first “Zoom TC” especially for the ambassadors who are not from Germany.
Both meetings with familiar and new faces were highly inspiring.
Thank you for your contributions and support
Your Flamingo Team
July 2020 - "Ambassador" campaign
With our official launch, we go directly to the search for “ambassadors” for our campaign and hope thereby – despite Corona times – to reach as many people as possible.
With virtual as well as personal “ambassador meetings” we explain to each ambassador our goals and means of the campaign.
July 2020 "Footie" EVENT - Janine Benecke Round (link in English)
Saturday, the 4zh of July 2020 was the first public appearance of our campaign. The Australian Football Club “Rheinland Lions” held a club internal game that weekend in rememberance of Janine Benecke, one of the many victims of the Luttach tragedy. Other clubs in the AFL followed them with that idea and participated – there were video clips, pink training sessions, and special meetings to raise awareness of “Go Pink for Life”.
Thank you for your actions
from the Flamingo Team
Homepage: www.rheinland-lions.de
December 2020 - next steps
Christmas special “Go Pink for Life
Raffle of Christmas baubles with our logo. Distribution of the X-Mas baubles in regional stores or sending them to national ambassadors on request. We would be happy about a donation of 5;- Eur/pc.
Preparation of the accident anniversary in Luttach, South Tyrol, Italy, 05.01.2020
Church service on the 2nd of January 2021 in Luttach, South Tyrol (accident site)
followed by a torch run from the church to the accident site
4th of July 2020 - Official Launch "Don't Drink and Drive - Go Pink for Life".
Endlich ist es soweit, wir starten.
Your Photos
Please don’t forget to send us your photos of any special moment with “Go Pink for Life” in order save these the memories in our photo gallery.
Mail: kontakt@gopinkforlife.de